Sunday, August 21, 2016

Day 51 - That's all folks!

All good things must end and this trip is no exception.  We left our last motel this morning nice and early.  Larry actually took the car down to charge at 5:30 am and then went back to pick up Michelle who was ready and raring to get going.  As it against all of our principles to not do something interesting rather than just drive we debated several possible activities finally converging on the New York State Museum in Albany.  The museum was a big maze and every time you thought you had seen it all you would look left or right and there would be a whole section you hadn’t seen.  Set up like that, the exhibits did not always flow well, but when you got into them they were very interesting.

These offices should be easy to rent

We also got a bit cocky on the last day.  The car called for three stops between Buffalo and home.  We ignored all recommendations and showing just how good we are at this we made just two stops even though the car whined and told us to slow down regularly every tune we crested a hill.  Even though neither time did we come in with a 20 mile buffer the worst one still had 14 miles of room even though the battery icon looks empty.

In any case, we must say here on the last day,  we are glad that spending as much time with each other was really good fun. There were no homicidal tendencies that resulted from spending so much time together.  It is nice to be home and we really need to get back into some sort of routine but it was a blast to be on the road too.  Thanks for reading and for those that don’t want to give up reading yet Larry will publish an long epilogue that discusses the trip as a whole and what we learned about the car and the country that he feels he must share.  

Regular Features
Statistics Corner
States involved:  We drove through New York the long way and then almost across Massachusetts the long way.  The last time we had been in these states was on Day 1 and we spent less then a Supercharger stop number of minutes in them combined that time.

The final tally for the trip.  

Here is what you need to know.  The battery indicator shows the number of miles left based on 285 Wh/hr so we were pretty close overall to what we were expected to use.  The number of kWh we used is staggering.  That would run our house for half a year before we bought the Tesla.  This car is twice as efficient in energy usage as my 50mpg Passat TDI so it is staggering how much energy Americans use to get around.

Buffalo NY – 30 minutes – The chargers were just up the street from the motel so when Larry got up earlier than Michelle once again and having no blog entries that were not done he decided to kill the time until Michelle 
 got up and going getting the car ready for its last day on the highway.

Utica NY– 60 minutes - including a very large breakfast.  So large that Larry did not eat another meal that day.  We had skipped the Syracuse charger  which Hobson wanted in order that Larry could keep his hopes of visiting Cooperstown alive but alas that didn’t happen.

Springfield MA– 30 minutes – Although we cruised in almost empty again after ignoring Hobson’s suggestion of Albany but as we didn’t need too much to get home we didn’t hang around any longer than it took Michelle to finish a salad at Panera her last meal on the road.

Home - Hobson’s home garage will be the charging station until wanderlust hits us again..

Church of the Day – Lousy picture through the window with reflections galore but a nice church

Coolest car of the Day – It has to be Hobson for taking such good car of us for the past 7 weeks but I did get this shot of a Mustang that blasted onto an entrance ramp in front of us and then disappeared.  Hobson could not chase due to our stretching resources to get down to two stops.

Hobson's bug covered nose

Song of the Day  - There are too many songs that can contend for this, the last entry for this blog and too many "but thens" in the next sentence but bear with me.  I had planned days ago to use Willie Nile's "American Life" which slacker had played way back in South Dakota but early in the morning I was convinced the answer was the depressing “The End” by The Doors but then Slacker played “Highway Star” by Deep Purple and that seemed to fit the day better as it wasn't so depressing but then the lyrics of “This is the Life” by Amy McDonald especially the line "Where are you going to sleep tonight?" really resonated so I can’t decide.  Therefore I declare a big tie.

Coolest Thing of the Day – Larry- sleeping in his own bed for once.   

Coolest Thing of the Day - Michelle – The New York State Museum.

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