Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 11 - Leaving Cajun Country for Cowboy Country

Today we headed into a state that neither of us have ever been to, the Lone Star state and the one that spends more time talking about secession than any other.  For the record they already have roads that can only be accessed by electronic tolls that only they have so the road system is already on its way out of the rest of the country.  I am already in trouble with plenty of EZ Pass states and now EZ Pass itself so I was not about to risk going on another toll road without the proper equipment.  We got to see a few more truck stops that we might have in Houston but did fine.  

This was one of those long driving days.  In order to stay in Lafayette we ended up with a short drive yesterday and a long one today.  We did however arrive in San Antonio in time for dinner and to our surprise our motel had a Tesla charger which is not listed on the Tesla map!  We could have been here earlier if we had not charged as much before that.  We headed off to what is listed as the best place in San Antonio which is the Riverwalk.  The Riverwalk area is like Faneuil Hall in Boston or the Seaport in Baltimore except along a fake river.  There are nice restaurants and shops that satisfied our need to walk somewhere nice and interesting.  We also got to see the Alamo though it was after hours so we will have to return tomorrow for the tour.

Like you haven't seen this before.  The carvings around the doorway are more detailed than they look making it prettier in person.

We stopped at Target for some stuff and found it was identical to ones in New England except this area.
Part of the riverwalk.  There are numerous bridges to connect one side to the other.

Regular Features
Statistics Corner
States involved: Today we added Texas to the list of states.  Amazingly despite its size neither of us had ever been there.  
Final mileage for the day - I am giving up on this - I keep forgetting to rest the trip odometer.

Lake Charles LA   60 minutes  while we had a  nice lunch at the Acme Oyster Bar
Houston TX 40 minutes - some spent with a guy from Minnesota
Columbus TX - this site was pretty busy

Song of the Day: Davy Crockett by Fees Parker.  Remember the Alamo

Coolest Car of the Day:  NIsson GT-R we ran together for about 15 miles on I-10.  I know as a dead quiet Tesla owner I should not say this but that exhaust sounds great!

Church of the Day: I don't know the name and only saw this from the riverwalk but I loved the steeple.

Best thing of the Day - Larry - It would have to be the Amaretto ice cream with chocolate chip mix-ins that I got after dinner as we sat next to the river.

Best thing of the Day -Michelle - The Riverwalk and especially the breeze that came up and made it seem cooler than the 90's it was.

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